Benchmarking Spurious Bias in Few-Shot Image Classifiers
Few-shot image classifiers are designed to recognize and classify new data with minimal supervision and limited data but often show reliance on spurious correlations between classes and spurious attributes, known as spurious bias. Spurious correlations commonly hold in a certain set of samples and few-shot classifiers can suffer from spurious bias induced from it. There is an absence of an automatic benchmarking system to assess the robustness of few-shot classifiers against spurious bias. We propose a systematic and rigorous benchmark framework, termed FewSTAB, to fairly demonstrate and quantify varied degrees of robustness of few-shot classifiers to spurious bias. FewSTAB creates few-shot evaluation tasks with biased attributes so that using them for predictions can demonstrate poor performance. We propose attribute-based sample selection strategies based on a pre-trained vision-language model to construct these few-shot tasks, eliminating the need for manual dataset curation. This allows FewSTAB to automatically benchmark spurious bias using any existing test data. FewSTAB offers evaluation results in a new dimension along with a new design guideline for building robust classifiers. Moreover, it can benchmark spurious bias in varied degrees and enable designs for varied degrees of robustness. Its effectiveness is demonstrated through experiments on ten few-shot learning methods across three datasets. We hope our framework can inspire new designs of robust few-shot classifiers.